Display multi-select choice column as checkboxes in Power Apps

To display your multi-select choice column as checkboxes in Power Apps, follow these steps: 

Combo Box Setup
  • Make sure your Combo box is correctly connected to your DataVerse table. 
  • The Combo box should have the Items property set to your DataVerse table (e.g., YourTable). 

Checkbox Conversion
  • Instead of using a Combo box, we’ll create a set of checkboxes. 
  • Add a set of checkboxes to your app (one for each choice in your DataVerse table column). 
  • For each checkbox, set the Text property to the specific choice value (e.g., “Option1,” “Option2,” etc.). 

Checkbox Logic
  • In the OnCheck and OnUncheck properties of each checkbox, update a collection or variable to store the selected choices. 
  • For example, if you have three checkboxes named Checkbox1, Checkbox2, and Checkbox3, use the following formulas: 

// OnCheck for Checkbox1 Collect( SelectedItems, { Value: "Option1" } ); 

// OnUncheck for Checkbox1 Remove( SelectedItems, First(Filter(SelectedItems, Value = "Option1")) ); 

  • Repeat the same logic for the other checkboxes. 

Displaying Selected Choices
  • To display the selected choices, use a label or another control. 
  • Set the Text property of the label to show the selected choices from the collection or variable. 

// Display selected choices in a label 
Concat(SelectedItems, Value & ", ") 

Saving Data Back to DataVerse
  • When saving data back to your DataVerse table, use the collection or variable (SelectedItems) to update the DataVerse table column. 

Remember to adjust the control names and logic according to your app. This approach allows you to display the choices as checkboxes instead of a dropdown.

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